{datsopic id=97 align=left}Kłodzko is a crossing of three cultural influences – Czech, German and Polish. It is  the oldest settlement of the Land of Kłodzko. First mention about the existence of defensive town  named Kłodzko comes from 981 year from Kosma’s chronicles.

Kłodzko, the centre of the region with typical touristic and rest character, the largest town of the Land of Kłodzko – one of the most beautiful corners on the south ? west of  Poland. The perfect communication position about its attractiveness testifies, centrally in Kłodzko Valley, in neighbourhood of well-known health resorts, excursion terrains, touristic attractions of Polish – Czech borderland.

{datsopic id=94 align=right}One’s unique character Kłodzko owes unusually stormy and fascinating over 1000 – years history. The numerous relics of architecture define the climate of city – former inhabitnts’ historical property as well as cultural heritage.

Kłodzko is the perfect excursion base for tourists trawerse nearby mountain routes. Rocky areas and beautiful sceneries stretching from mountain tops are the best place for desirous people who want to detach for a moment from municipal turmoil and hurry. From Kłodzko is close to health resorts, which climate and unrestricted possibilities of relaxation guarantee a relaxing atmosphere. Health resorts pulsate of life during the whole year and numerous restaurants, cosy little cafes and pubs create a sociable excellent climate to meetings.

The reasons for which it is worth to arrive to Kłodzko is so many. Kłodzko is a really magic place, the town of many secrets which you can discover and which you never forget.

www.klodzko.pl, ?

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